Lam Al-Bashir Foundation Ghana(LABFoGh) is a non profit making, Non Governmental Voluntary Organisation( N.G.O.) opperating in the Northen Region of Ghana. LABFo. currently works with more than eight (8) rural poor communities in the Northen Region of Ghana. Theses communities are made up of rural settlement with population of not less than 2,700 inhabitance and population density of 8.57 people per square kilometers. These communities are farming communities growing crops like yam, Cassava, Maize, Beans, Cashew, Sheabutter, and Groundnuts also rarer animals for their livelihood.
The formation of LABFoGh was necessitated by the growing interest for local initiative and efforts to facilitate the process of achieving and sustaining lasting peace and development, to eradicate all forms of child labour and domestic voilence agains women and children enabling them to enjoy their natural and civic rights.
The work of Lam Al Bahsir Foundation is to enroll local deprived women groups, youth clubs and C.B.Os to fight against domestic violence in women and children also to equip them with technical assistance, to work to alleviate Trafficking in Women and Children, Human rights, Advocacy on HIV/AIDS, Good Health, Self sufficiency and Sustainable development in Peace through our Travel Abroad Voluntary Programs.